Sports science in cycling has reached a golden age. Advancements in aerodynamics are rewriting the rulebooks (see: the ongoing aero helmet spat currently unfolding in professional cycling), as well as changing race tactics. Old rules of thumb about how much time a peloton could give a breakaway are being mooted by crafty racers using tuned aerodynamic strategies as part of their arsenal, and race speeds continue to go up and up. 

Tied to this battle for speed is the increased attention given to rolling resistance, specifically, trying to lessen its impact. When it comes to tires, the prevailing wisdom used to be that narrow is fastest, but that’s gone out the window. It’s now known that, especially in races with rough surfaces, wider tires at lower pressures provide a speed advantage. There are other benefits too: increased comfort (which means less fatigue), better grip, and decreased likelihood of puncture.

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