The rules and regulations around learner drivers be challenging at times, especially when it comes to understanding passenger limits.

In Australia, passenger restrictions for learner drivers vary between states and territories.

Before getting behind the wheel, familiarise yourself with these important passenger regulations.

New South Wales

In NSW, learner drivers can travel with passengers as long a fully licensed driver is present in the front passenger seat, and all travellers are secured with a seatbelt.

There is no specific limit on how many passengers can travel with a learner driver, besides the limit of a vehicle’s capacity. Additionally, all car seats and child restraints must be properly secured.

Ensure both L-plates are visible on the front and rear of the vehicle, and you carry your licence permit every time you drive.


In Victoria, there are no restriction on how many passengers a learner driver can carry.

Ensure both L-plates are visible on the front and rear of the vehicle, and you carry your licence every time you drive.


In Queensland, learner drivers must only drive with their supervisor.

This supervisor must hold a valid open Australian licence for the class of vehicle the learner is driving.

Ensure both L-plates are visible on the front and rear of the vehicle, and you carry your licence every time you drive.

Australian Capital Territory (ACT)

In the ACT, learner drivers must drive with a supervisor at all times – this supervisor must have a full Australian licence.

The ACT Government website does not stipulate restrictions around the number of passengers a learner driver can carry.

Ensure both L-plates are visible on the front and rear of the vehicle, and you carry your learners permit every time you drive.

Western Australia

A learner driver in WA must have a supervising driver in the passenger seat every time they drive. Despite this, there are no other restrictions on additional passengers.

All passengers must fasten their seatbelts and children must be restrained securely.

A learner must comply with the rules and regulations of their licence classification.

South Australia

Like other Australian states, learner drivers must practice and travel with a supervising driver in the passenger seat at all times.

There are no restrictions on how many passengers a learner can carry, provided the above condition is met.

The supervising driver must hold a full Australian licence that’s been valid for at least one year, in the same class of motor vehicle as the learner driver’s vehicle.

Northern Territory

In the Northern Territory, there are no passenger restrictions for learner drivers.

All passengers must wear seatbelts when a learner is driving, including children in restraints.


Tasmanian learner drivers must travel and learn with a supervisor in the passenger seat every time they operate a vehicle.

The supervisory driver must be fully licensed, meaning it can be an older sibling, parent, or driving instructor.

There are no restrictions on the number of passengers that can be carried in a learner’s vehicle, provided the above conditions are met.

MORE: What are the speed limits for L-plates?
MORE: Is it legal for learner drivers to tow a trailer?
MORE: Where can I put my L plates or P plates?

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